Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan Labu

Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan Labu
Berilmu, Beriman, Beramal
Labu, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
School type Fully residential school (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh) (Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama) (Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan) (Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi)
Founded 1982
School code NRA4002
Principal Pn. Hajah Radziah Binti Abdul Samad
Vice principal Tn Syed Dzulkarnain Syed Nordin
Tn Abdull Samat Othman
Cik Sharizan Sheikh Othman
Pn Enkresnawati Nadzir
Number of students ≈600-700
Classes Ibnu Haitham, Al-Batani, Az-Zarqali, Ar-Razi (upper form), Ibnu Muqaffa', Al-Farazdaq (lower form),
Ibnu Rusyd (lower 6), Al-Farabi (upper 6)
Language Malay, English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese
Houses Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman, Ali
Yearbook 'ILHAM'
Alumni Ittihad Khirriji Al-Ma'had Al-Islami Al-Fidrali (IKMAL)

Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan Labu (SMAPL or SMAP Labu) (English: Federal Islamic School of Labu; Arabic: المعهد الإسلامي الفدرالي بلابو) is one of the three federal-funded Islamic Religious secondary boarding schools (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh) in Malaysia and is in Labu, one of the small towns in north Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. The school was previously situated in Klang (1982) and Petaling Jaya (1984–87), Selangor and named Sekolah Menengah Agama Wilayah Persekutuan, before moving to Labu in 1987. Now, the school is known as one of the Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan (fourth phase) and Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi (second cohort).



SMAPL was founded in January 1982, which was suggested by the director of Islamic Education (Pengarah Pendidikan Islam), Ministry of Education (Malaysia), Tan Sri Datuk Paduka Dr Abdul Hamid Othman. This idea came up with the awareness of the Islamic Religion Council of Wilayah Persekutuan (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan) on building an Islamic Religious School in Kuala Lumpur. After the suggestion was accepted by the government, the school was named Sekolah Menengah Agama Wilayah Persekutuan (SMAWP).

At first, when SMAWP did not own a building, the approximately 500 students (which consisted of form 1, 4, and lower 6 students) were superimposed at Kolej Islam Klang's building in Selangor. The first generation of the students were taught by about 40 teachers, led by the school's first principal, Tuan Hj Muhammad bin Shafie.

After about two years of temporary lodging, in early January 1984, SMAWP was relocated to a temporary building in the campus of International Islamic University Malaysia (Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia), in Petaling Jaya. In 1985, Tuan Hj Muhamad Yusof bin Abu Bakar became the next principal and served until the end of 1985. During his time, SMAWP successfully achieved its first glory, by winning the Bahas Bahasa Melayu Piala Perdana Menteri in the same year.

The next principal, Tuan Hj Muhd Yusof bin Hj Ahmad came to continue SMAWP's legacy. At the same time, the Ministry of Education (Malaysia) solved their problem in April 1987 by lending a building in KM 11, Jalan Labu which was supposed to be the place for the 'Maktab Perguruan'. But after several sessions of negotiations, the building was given to the school and was officially opened in July 1989 by Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Jaafar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman, the Sultan of Negeri Sembilan at that time. The name SMAWP was later changed to Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan Labu (SMAPL) and remains the same until today.

A year later, the school members, which consisted of 73 teachers and 1000 students, led by the next principal, Tuan Hj Mahmud bin Mohd Rashid, successfully shined the school and resulted in SMAPL being 'adopted' by the International Islamic University Malaysia (Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia) and Forestry Department (Jabatan Perhutanan).

On 16 June 1989, Tuan Hj Abu Bakar bin Lebai Mat came as the next principal (replacing Tuan Hj Mahmud bin Mohd Rashid who moved to Kuching). As the fifth principal, he made a lot of transformations and made the school well-known at the national level. Besides, he was known to be responsible for the spearhead of Kegiatan Kumpulan Khidmat Sekolah. After six years of service, he was positioned to be the principal at Maktab Perguruan Islam Bangi and the absence of a principal lasted about nine months.

On 17 December 1994, the next principal, Tuan Hj Abdul Rahman bin Halim came and lead the school to its first record on being the first school in Malaysia to have 100% of its Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia candidates achieve Grade 1 (Gred Satu). He was later replaced by Tuan Hj Paiman bin Jemo, the senior assistant of Students' Affair (Penolong Kanan Hal Ehwal Murid); he was also offered the principal position at Maktab Perguruan Islam Bangi.

SMAPL continued its glorious legacy under the leadership of Tuan Hj Paiman bin Jemo, who was known for his principle on SMAPL for being 'the Centre of Excellence'. During his time of service, in 1997, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak (the Minister of Education) came to the school to announce the SPM 1996 results himself. The same year, SMAPL gained the title Juara Berganda, being the best school for SPM and STPM examination in 1996. SMAPL also created its own record for being the first school in Malaysia to have 100% of its Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia candidates achieved Grade 1 for three years in a row: 1996, 1997, 1998.

In 1998, Tuan Hj Mat Yunoh bin Hj Dollah replaced him and became the principal from 1998 to 2004. Before that Tuan Hj Mat Yunoh was the senior assistant of Students' Affair. In 2002, SMAPL gained another three-storey building for the Biology Lab, workshops for the Studies of Living Skills and some other classes.

In 2004, Tuan Hj Abdullah bin Endut came in to replace as principal and during his years of duty, in 2005, SMAPL gained another new building, a two-storey ICT lab, as a facility to enhance student intellectual skills in computers and programming.

Next, a dedicated principal was constituted: Puan Hajah Khuzaimah binti Haji Sulaiman. She was the 'Pengetua Cemerlang JUSA C' and also the first woman principal of the school from 2005 until 13 March 2007. In 2007, SMAPL celebrated its Silver Jubilee, denoting its 25 years of success.

Now the principal is Puan Hajah Radziah binti Abdul Samad who started on 16 April 2007. During her time of service, SMAPL gained another four-storey building which is known as the G block. Some of the school facilities are placed here such as the new open hall, the Dewan Seri Lestari, the new Foreign Language lab, Visual Arts room, some of the lower Form 6 classes and also the dental treatment room. Until now, she leads the school to obtain great achievements in academics, co-curriculum, and other aspects. During her service, SMAPL has gained the title Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan and Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi.


Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan Labu, Kilometer 11, Jalan Labu, 71900, Labu, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Mission, vision, and philosophy

(Planned, controlled and continuous efforts based on knowledge, faith and good deeds, Islamic culture and perfect learning environment, produce students who are knowledgeable, balanced, brilliant, noble, righteous and responsible to practice the Islamic way of life and be able to contribute benefits to themselves, the nation and the religion.)


School song

Ditubuhkan dengan harapan waja
Dalam cabaran dalam rintangan
Akhirnya kau berdiri tegak megah
Melahirkan anak-anak yang berjaya
Engkau cemerlang dalam segala-gala
Menjadi kebanggaan nusa dan bangsa
Generasimu intelektual ulama’
Bangun segera bersatulah
Majukan sekolah menuju jaya
Seagama sebangsa dan sealiran
Tingkatkan kesatuan menuju ke hadapan
Berilmu beriman dan beramal
Konsep menghadapi pembelajaran
Islam panduan maju bersama
Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan


Bahawasanya kami warga SMAP Labu dengan penuh tekad dan iltizam melaksanakan amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan kepada kami dengan:

  1. Memberikan perkhidmatan yang cekap dan mesra.
  2. Melaksanakan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang jelas, menarik dan berkesan untuk melahirkan pelajar cemerlang dalam peperiksaan PMR, SPM dan STPM.
  3. Memberikan bimbingan kepada pelajar untuk menjadi insan seimbang, harmoni dan boleh diteladani dari segi intelek, emosi, rohani, jasmani dan kepimpinan.
  4. Memberikan maklum balas kepada ibu bapa mengenai perkembangan dan kemajuan anak mereka dari semasa ke semasa.
  5. Mengambil tindakan dalam tempoh yang munasabah bagi semua urusan rasmi :
i) Pendaftaran pelajar dalam masa 15 minit seorang.
ii) Laporan prestasi pelajar dua minggu selepas peperiksaan.
iii) Borang pertukaran pelajar dalam masa 30 minit.
iv) Mengeluarkan resit yuran melalui bank slip yang diterima daripada ibu bapa dalam masa 10 minit seorang.
v) Pengesahan sijil / dokumen peribadi dalam masa 30 minit.

Whereas our citizens of SMAPL with full determination and commitment to implement the trust that is entrusted to us by:

  1. Provide efficient and friendly service.
  2. Implementing teaching and learning process, which are clear, interesting and effective way to produce students who excel in their PMR, SPM and STPM.
  3. Provide guidance for students to be well balanced, harmonious and exemplary in terms of intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical and leadership.
  4. Provide feedback to parents about their child's development and progress from time to time.
  5. Take action within a reasonable time for all official business:
i) Registration of a student in a time of 15 minutes.
ii) Report of students' performances two weeks after the exam.
iii) Students exchange form within 30 minutes.
iv) Issuing a receipt fee by bank slip received from parents in a time of 10 minutes.
v) The certification of certificates and private documents, within 30 minutes.


Department heads

  • Chairman of Geography Subject Committee
  • Chairman of History Subject Committee (upper & lower secondary)
  • Chairman of Integrated Life Skills Education Committee
  • Chairman of Civics and Nationality Education Committee
  • Chairman of Physical and Health Education Committee
  • Chairman of Visual Art Education Committee
  • Chairman of Islamic Education Committee
  • Chairman of Arabic Language Committee (upper & lower secondary)
  • Chairman of Al-Qur'an and Sunnah Education Committee
  • Chairman of Syariah Islamiah Education Committee


  1. A main hall, the Dewan Seri Bestari
  2. A cozy dining hall, the Dewan Makan 'Ain Tasneem
  3. A mosque or musolla, the Musolla Al-Mustaqim
  4. 2 science labs (for lower form students)
  5. 2 labs each for Biology, Physics and Chemistry committee
  6. A resource room for Malay Language committee
  7. A lab for English, Mathematics, and Arabic Language subjects.
  8. 3 rooms for the Foreign Language Committee (Japanese, Mandarin, and French)
  9. A library
  10. A Students' Information Centre
  11. An Access Center for Internet usage
  12. An Al-Qur'an lab
  13. A counseling room
  14. An Educational Technology Unit room
  15. A documentation and PPSMI (Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik Dalam Bahasa Inggeris) room
  16. A block for ICT lab
  17. 3 workshops for Integrated Life Skills Education (electrical, piping and woodworking)
  18. 2 rooms for Integrated Life Skills Education, Home Economics (sewing and cooking)
  19. A room for Visual Arts Education
  20. A canteen, the Nadhratunnaim Cafe
  21. A gymnasium
  22. A special room for dental treatment
  23. A wide field used for football, rugby, athletics.
  24. Another wide field for hockey, handball, netball, cricket, petanque, silat.
  25. 2 basketball courts, 2 tennis courts, and a court for takraw.
  26. Archery range.
  27. 2 blocks of 3-storey building each for the boys' & girls' hostel.
  28. 2 planting nursery at both boys & girls hostel.
  29. Quarters for teachers.

Student organisation

Housing system

There are four houses where students will be classified into. The house names are based on the four Khulafa' Rasyidin:

Students' Leaderships Council

The Students' Leaderships Council, or Majlis Pimpinan Pelajar, is divided into three main groups:


Besides, basically students are classified into several classes by the teachers every year, and each classes will have a class leader (boys) and an assistant class leader (girls). The names of the classes are:


Each student will be placed into their respective dormitories by the Students' Leaderships Council under the warden's supervision. The names of the dormitories are as shown below:

Boys Boys Girls Girls
Amirul Mukminin Hamzah Amirul Syakirah Hajar
Qatadah Al-Harisi Bainul Bahiyah Masyitah
Musa Asy'ari Huzaifah Baidzura Basyirah Mariah Qibtiyyah
Al-Bukhari Abu Daud Balqis Mariam Jamilah
Al-Bujairami Al-Nasa'i Basyirah Maimunah
Muaz Jabal Ibn Khaldun Busyra Khadijah
Al-Makmuni Al-Khawarizmi Humaira Kautsar
Al-Maturidi Al-Idrisi Wahidatul Farahah Khaulah
Hanzalah Al-Anbari Hafsah Khuzaimah
Al-Biruni Termizi Hidayatul Hasanah Halimatul Saadiah
Ka'ab Ibn Majah Fatimah Zahra -
Al-Khindi Muslim Rabiatul Adawiyah -
Al-Maududi Al-Baihaqi Siti Aisyah -


  1. SMAPL's website
  2. Buku Jubli Perak SMAP Labu 2007

External links

SMAPL's official website